Getting your Christian novels and books ready for Christmas and beyond

Exciting news…

Hightower Publications is leading the way in revising both of these great books. If you’re not familiar with these books they were both published earlier, only NO ROMANCING THE PASSENGERS was a name change. Now with a top-flight editor on board we’ve made them how God has intended, in His timing.

With few exceptions the reviews for the Obsessed Intentions novel have been four and five stars, declaring the quality of the writing and the content (checkout the reviews on Amazon). Interested parties can use the same link to order their copies today.


Now, FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS has had its makeover, and soon will be published as the second edition. Shortly afterward it will be given away free in the kindle edition (you will be notified), sharing God’s desire for each of us. The book is based on a stretch in my life where God used me, and how He wants me to share it with new and experienced Christians alike that you were brought here “for such a time as this,” that you may use your primary platform, prayer, to affect the world around you, and open up God’s mercies and grace for all. This is a book for Christians who would like to do more, learn more, and grow in their belief and relationship with God, our Father.

More to come…

Also coming in 2024 look for my video greeting cards. Kathy, my wife, and I will begin sharing our thanks, thoughts, and well wishes via video links to friends, readers, and family to put a personal touch on our communications.

Here’s wishing everyone a blissful Thanksgiving!

This post, Getting your Christian novels and books ready for Christmas and beyond, originally appeared on on November 21, 2023 and is copyright© 2023 by Lee Wimmer and Hightower Publications,